Biljana Petrović debut album "Rock 'n' roll dama" was recorded in Split during September/October 1978 and produced by Mirko Krstičević and Boba Stefanović.
01-Rock'n'roll dama 02-Ti ne znaš da voliš 03-Ko je kriv za ljubav 04-Osećam 05-Baš me briga 06-Mi se volimo tajno 07-I led je krenuo.. 08-Pošla sam na crveno 09-Sve ću ti reći na kraju
Once upon a time was country called Yugoslavia. We had second best rock scene in Europe. Now it's time to remember some of the great albums and singles. You think so? Enjoy it!!!
are group of record collectors from Ex Yu Republics all over the world. They don't want to bury their records, infact they deliver to you, to listen some of the great recordings in the best way they can.