As a singer he was called upon in the early 70’s by a very popular band, Korni Grupa, but after playing with them for a year, Dado formed his own legendary band TIME, consisting of, at the time, the best and the most recognized musicians. After a period of ten very successful years, Dado decided to go solo, and continued performing on stage, promoting his own, easily recognized songs and music, and becoming a legend in his own right. Here is his second solo album "Šaputanje na jastuku".
01-Šaputanje na jastuku
02-Djete rastavljenih roditelja
03-Ja imam auto
05-Daj mi malo love, tata
07-Zvjezdana pršsina
08-Kad tata sređuje stvari
09-Mojim prijateljima
Bitrate 256
Vinyl Rip by Titov Pionir
Jos jedna poslastica od Titovog Pionira
Hvala momci za Dadu Topica legendu Yu Rocka, by the way odlican album i ako se kriticari nisu slozili sa tom cinjenjicom :)
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