Borghesia is a Slovenian electronic music/rock music group, created in Ljubljana in 1982. The band was formed by members of the alternative theatre group Theatre FV-112/15. Borghesia created its aesthetics using the imagery of prohibited, tabooed and repressed. Their sound is often compared to that of other groups in the period such as D.A.F., Manufacture and more notably Front 242, whom many cite as the chief instigators of the Electronic Body Music label used to describe such music.
01-She Is Not Alone
02-She Is Not Alone (Driller Lover Mix)
Bitrate 192
Cd Rip by Mrmot
Oooooo, ovo mi je najbolja pesma Borgesie
Najbolji ste svaka cast
Hvala lijepo Mrmote,
ovo nisam imao u kolekciji
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