In 1965 they shocked all Yugoslavia with (very) long hairs. Next year they made few clips for national tv. Zoran's long, blonde died, hair is big scandal in whole land. Siluete are part of art happenings and performances of young painter Olja Ivanjicki in Zagreb and Belgrade. At the same time they are on every cover page and their popularity grows every day. People and fans chased Zoran on streets wanting to cut his long blonde hair. Here is their first single "Tvoj rođendan".
01-Tvoj rođendan (Sha la la lee)
(Small Faces-M. Petrović)
02.-Najdraži san (Walk in the room)
(Searchers-M. Petrović)
03-Uhvati vjetar (Catch the wind)
(Donovan-M. Petrović)
04-Keti (Katy)
(R. Peterson - B. Marušić)
Bitrate 192
Vinyl Rip by Lajso
Big thanks to Ljilj for this single and link. We have another collectioner!! :)
all the best
I forgot!!
Source for text about band Siluete http://home.wanadoo.nl/v.rancic/siluete.htm
Da li možda imate CD Vis Siluete koji je izdala PGP RTB?
Htio bih to imati.
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