Time was a rock band from Yugoslavia that was formed in 1971 by Dado Topić (vocals) after leaving his previous band Korni Grupa. The original lineup consisted of, in addition to Topić, Tihomir Pop Asanović (organ), Vedran Božić (guitar), Mario Mavrin (bass), Ratko Divjak (drums) and Brane Lambert Živković (piano and flute). Time frequently changed lineup and after three albums and many tours disbanded in late 1977 and Dado Topić started his solo career. In 1998 and 2001, Time reunited to play a limited number of live concerts. Now they still play together as a rock trio. Here is their third album "Život u čizmama s visokom petom" from 1976 remastered on cd.
01-Igraj, narode moj
02-Jer sve je u pjesmi što čovjeku treba
03-London decembra 75
04-Nitko ne zna zašto
05-Rock’n'roll u Beogradu
07-Život u čizmama s visokom petom
08-Ispovjest jednog Sarajlije
Bitrate 192
Vinyl Rip by Lajso
password lajso
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