Monday, 24 December 2007

Zlatni Dečaci-1966-Humoreska [Lp]

In 1966 they are going as young chess players to England with their big fan Nikola - as chess players they didn't have many problems to get visa's for U.K. There they play few gigs - mixing famous beat and Yugoslav folk covers. Here is their second single "Humoreska".

(Antonin Dvoržak)
02-Labuđe jezero
(Petar Iljić Čajkovski)
03-Dunavski valovi
04-Tema iz fausta
(Charles Gounod)

Bitrate 192
Vinyl Rip by Lajso


Anonymous said...

već dugo tražim prvi album Xenije - Kad nedjelja prođe. Mogu li zamoliti za upload?

Ex Yu Pop Rock Madness said...

Videcu sa kolekcionarima koji postuju ovde svoje albume, da odrade i Xeniu
